Oak Ridge Sports Boosters - Oak Ridge High School, El Dorado Hills, California


Oak Ridge Sports Boosters (ORSB) is a California Non-profit Corporation established to raise funds for Oak Ridge High School Athletics Program complementing the Oak Ridge Academic Program by supporting the pursuit of athletic excellence!

Consider making a donation to the Sports Boosters General Fund or a donation affiliated to one or more sports. Donations can be made via PayPal or by sending a check to the address below. The Oak Ridge High School Sports Boosters is a tax-exempt non-profit small business organization 501(c)(3) and, as such, donations are tax deductible pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). Tax ID #94-2783765

ORHS Sports Booster Club
Attn: Donation – ORSB
1120 Harvard Way
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

Graduation Ads
Send a special message to your Grad on new state of the art stadium video board, ads rotate every 10 seconds. 
Option #1) $200 for message, you provide .JPEG graphic file (MAX of 480 w x 285 h pixels)
email graphic file with message to #ORHSSVB@eduhsd.k12.ca.us# , subject line: 2023GradAd 'Senior's Name'
Option #2) $255 for message plus graphic design
Option #3) $55 for graphic design 
Please include the name of your Graduating Senior in the comments field below.


  ORSB General Fund - your donation to the Oak Ridge Sports Boosters General Fund benefits all sports at Oak Ridge High School. 


Donation Form (Please Print this Form if you are mailing a check)

Your donation total amount: $

Apply my donation to:

First Name:  
Last Name:  
Address 1:
Address 2:
City: State:    Zip:

E-mail Address:

(receipt will be sent here)


Comments/Questions about this donation (Optional)

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